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작성자 사진Yong Jun OH

Call for Paper in the Special Issue "Thin Films: Deposition, Growth and Characterization Techniques"

최종 수정일: 2020년 11월 20일

Dear Colleagues, Solid thin film technology plays an important role as a key elemental technology for producing various devices, including energy-generating systems, biological and environmental sensing devices, integrated electronic and magnetic devices, or optical and plasmonic devices. The current breakthroughs in device technologies demand more advanced thin film technologies in micro- or nano-scales. With its basis on material science, thin film technology encompasses a fairly wide range of topics within engineering. Its common topics consist of the functionality of thin film as compared to bulk, the morphological and microstructural changes in thin film surfaces and in the interface with its adjacent material according to material types and processing conditions, the instability of thin films due to its high surface-to-volume ratio, and the formation of new intermediate layers through the reactions of thin films to substrates or other adjacent materials. In-depth research on these subjects will greatly inspire the creation of new hierarchical devices.

In this Special Issue, we encourage submissions on novel deposition and material processing of thin films on hard or flexible substrates, technologies applying thin films to devices, and innovative uses of thin films through material selection and processing. We also welcome experimental, theoretical or phenomenological studies on the formation, growth, and instability of thin films, thin film crystallography, the interfacial phenomena between thin films and substrates, and characterization of various properties of thin films in devices.

It is my pleasure to invite your contribution to this Special Issue.

Prof. Yong-Jun Oh Guest Editor

조회수 50회댓글 0개

최근 게시물

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